Javatar - About these maps

Where these maps came from

These maps are based on those from Heavy Harmonies. The maps there were fed into a script that parsed them and inserted the result into a MySQL database. Another script then reads the database and generates an SVG file. That SVG file is then converted into a PNG by ImageMagick.

Why more maps?

It is reasonable to wonder why the world needs more Avatar maps when there already are several sets available (there are some at as well). The primary motivation is that those maps are, for the version of Avatar on, wrong. I wanted maps that the community of players (including myself) could update easily. To achieve the latter it meant getting the map data into a database and automating the map creation process.

Level 16?

Um, yeah, that's from Heavy Harmonies, labeled as "15-B". It probably doesn't exist in Javatar. Since I don't run 15 yet, I wouldn't know. If you can confirm or deny its existence, let me know.


10 years ago, when I created this, I iterated through a few different versions of the map icons... check out that progression.

Maps for other Avatar varients>